- Amy Whitaker - The Rise of Hybrid Practice
- Aradna Krishna, Luca Cian, Ryan S.Elder - This Logo Moves Me
- Arthur Asa Berger - The Branded Self: On the Semiotics of Identity
- Arvind Narayanan & Sayash Kapoor - AI Snake Oil: What Artificial Intelligence Can Do, What It Can’t, and How to Tell the Difference
- Aymeric Mansoux, Brendan Howell, Dulsan Barok, Ville-Matias Heikkilä - Permacomputing Aesthetics: Potential and Limits of Constraints in Computational Art, Design and Culture
- Berhnard Kettemann - Semiotics of Advertising and the Discourse of Consumption
- Christine Rosen - The Extinction of Experience: Being Human in a Disembodied World
- Constance Penley, Andrew Ross - Cyborgs at Large: Interview with Donna Haraway
- Deneen Wallace & Jesse W. Schwartz - Afrofuturism
- Eitan Wilf - Semiotic Dimensions of Creativity
- Elmira Murati - Language & Coding Creativity
- Frances C. Butler - Eating the Image: The Graphic Designer and the Starving Audience
- Hal Adams, Matija Franlin, Micah Carroll, Tan Zhi-Xuan - Beyond Preferences in AI Alignment
- Holger van der Boom & Susanne Dickel - Design as Semiotic Construction
- Jennifer Robertson - Technologies of Kokoro
- Kevin Driscoll - The Modem World: A Prehistory of Social Media
- Lisa Zambian & Stephanie Wilson - Design for an Unknown Future: Amplified Roles for Collaboration, New Design Knowledge, and Creativity
- NODE - Make It Yourself: 1000 Useful Things to Make
- Poster House - Designing Through The Wall: Cyan in the 1990s Exhibition Document
- Ravi Sundaram - Pirate Modernity: Delhi’s Media Urbanism
- Raymond Smullyan - To Mock A Mockingbird and Other Logic Puzzles
- Richard D. Zakia - Photography and Visual Perception
- Robert Gorwa - The Politics of Platform Regulation: How Governments Shape Online Content Moderation
- Ron Eglash - Hip Hop as Computational Neuroscience
- Roy R. Behrens - Art, Design, and Gestalt Theory
- Ryan Omizo - Stormwatch: Machine Learning Approaches to Understanding White Supremacy Online
- Sanford Kwinter & Bruce Mau - Design is Not For Us
- Silvio Lorusso: Design (Anti)Panism: An Incomplete Timeline
- Tim Schwartz - A Public Service: Whistleblowing, Disclosure and Anonymity
- Tiziana Terranova - Network Culture - Politics for the Information Age
June 2nd 2024 new entries
- Ashley Shew - Against Technoableism
- Alan Read, editor - The Fact of Blackness: Frantz Fanon and Visual Representation
- Alexander Bogdanov, translated by Taylor R. Genovese - Art and the Working Class via ISKRA
- Andrew Couldwell, Megan Fisher Couldwell - Laying The Foundations: A Book About Design Systems
- Casey Reas, Ben Fry - Processing: A Visual Handbook for Designers and Artists
- Cliff Kuang, Robert Fabricant - User Friendly
- Dipti Desai - Read My Lips: Talking with Gran Fury about artistic activism and pedagogy
- Donald Norman - Emotional Design
- Jack Lowery - It Was Vulgar and It Was Beautiful: How AIDS Activists Used Art to Fight a Pandemic
- James Williams - Stand Out Of Our Light
- John Maeda - Design by Numbers
- John Maeda - The Laws of Simplicity
- John Ousterhout - A philosophy of software design
- Jon Yablonski - Laws of UX
- Jonathan Crary - 24/7 Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep
- Kat Holmes, John Maeda - Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design
- Kate Crawford - Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence
- Kevin D. Mitnick, Robert Vamosi - The Art of Invisibility
- Leah Buley - The User Experience Team of One
- Mark Coeckelbergh - AI Ethics
- Melanie Mitchell- Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans
- Mike Monteiro - Ruined by Design
- Rhode Island School of Design - The Art of Critical Making
- Steve Portigal - Interviewing Users
- Tim Wu - The Curse of Bigness
- Tom Greever - Articulating Design Decisions
- Tung-Hu Hu - A Prehistory of the Cloud
- Tyson E. Lewis - Educational Potentialities via ISKRA
- Walter Benjamin - The Work of Art in The Age of Its Technological Reproducibility and other Writings on Media
- Yves Clifton - The Ecology of Attention
May Day 2024 new entries
- 7amleh - Guide to Digital Safety and Privacy at Protests (2021)
- Alan Read, editor - The Fact of Blackness: Frantz Fanon and Visual Representation
- Ayush Bhandari, Achuta Kadambi and Ramesh Raskar - Computational Imaging
- Cathy O’Neil - Weapons of math destruction
- Critical Art Ensemble - Electronic Civil Disobedience and Other Unpopular Ideas
- Dan McQuillan - We come to bury ChatGPT, not to praise it
- Dick Hebdige - Reggae, Rastas & Rudies: Style and the Subversion of Form
- Domingo Lovera-Parmo - Protesting without a face: Privacy in public demonstrations
- Eszter Hargittai and Christian Sandvig Digital Research Confidential The Secrets of Studying Behavior Online
- Finn Brunton, Helen Nissenbaum - Obfuscation: A User’s Guide to Privacy and Protest
- Georgina Voss - Systems Ultra
- Iffy Books guides on: Steganography, Software-Defined Radios, DIY Faraday Shields, pocket wi-fi portals, magic wormholes, and encrypted messaging from your phone without the internet
- Jessa Lingel - Digital Countercultures and the Struggle for Community
- Johan Söderberg and Maxigas - Resistance to the Current: The Dialectics of Hacking
- John Maeda - how to speak machine
- Joy Buolamwini - Unmasking AI
- Julien Mailland and Kevin Driscoll - Minitel: Welcome to the Internet
- Karl Kinsella - God’s Own Language
- Luca Follis and Adam Fish - Hacker States
- Luciana Parisi - Contagious Architecture: Computation, Aesthetics, and Space
- Mario Capo - Beyond Digital
- Mark Foster Gage, editor - Aesthetics Equals Politics
- Paul Virilio - Open Sky
- Privacy International - Free to Protest: The Protestor’s Guide to Police Surveillance and How to Avoid It
- Shoshana Zuboff - The age of Surveillance Capitalism
- Stuart Hall, editor - Modernity: An Introduction to Modern Society
- Virginia Eubanks - Automating inequality
April 2nd 2024 new entries
- Christian Boucharenc - Design for a Contemporary World
- Dave Payling - Electronic Visual Music: The Elements of Audiovisual Creativity
- Felice C. Frankel - The Visual Elements: Photography A Handbook for Communicating Science and Engineering
- Felice C. Frankel - Visual Strategies: A Practical guide to graphics for scientists & engineers
- Ida Engholm - Design for the New World
- Jay Johnston, Iain Gardner - Drawing Spirit
- John Heskett, Clive Dilnot, Suzan Boztepe - Design and the Creation of Value
- Joshua Reeves - Citiizen Spies
- Kathleen Fitzpatrick - Planned Obsolescence
- Kathy High, Sherry M. Hocking, Mona Jimenez - The Emergence of Video Processing Tools vol 1 and 2
- Kent McQuilkin - Cinema4D Apprentice
- Lillie Chouliaraki, Maria Georgia - The Digital Border
- Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man
- Matthew Thomas Payne - Playing War: Military Video Games after 9/11
- Mizuki Ito, Crystal Martin, Rachel C. Pfister Matthew H. Rafalow, Katie Salen, Amanda Wortman - Affinity Online: How Connection and Shared Interest Fuel Learning
- Owen E. Holloway - French Rococo Book Illustration
- Rafael Concepcion - Adobe Lightroom Classic Classroom in a Book
- Ramesh Srinivasan - Whose Global Village?
- S. Craig Watkins, et al - The Digital Edge: How Black and Latino Youth Navigate Digital Inequality
- Victor Margolin - Design Discourse
- Victor Margolin - The Politics of the Artificial: Essays on Design and Design Studies
- Victor Margolin, Richard Buchanan - Discovering Design: Explorations in Design Studies
- Victor Margolin, Richard Buchanan - The Idea of Design: A Design Issues Reader
February 29th 2024 new entries
- Aaron Swartz - The Boy Who Could Change the World: The Writings of Aaron Swartz
- Brad Nunnally, David Farkas: UX Research: Practical Techniques for Designing Better Products
- Donald A Norman - Living With Complexity
- Eden Medina - Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and Politics in Allende’s Chile
- Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall - Decolonizing Design
- Gavin Mueller - Breaking Things at Work
- Jaap-Henk Hoepman - Privacy Is Hard and Seven Other Myths
- Jaime Levy - UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want
- James Bridle - New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future
- Jason van Gumster - Blender for Dummies, 4th Edition
- Jeffrey Pomerantz - Metadata
- Jillian C. York - Silicon Values: The Future of Free Speech under Surveillance Capitalism
- Joel Marsh - UX for Beginners: A Crash Course in 100 Short Lessons
- Joel Marsh - UX for Business
- Karin Wagner - From ASCII Art to Comic Sans: Typography And Popular Culture in the Digital Age
- Legacy Russell - Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto
- Lizzie O’Shea - Future Histories: What Ada Lovelace, Tom Paine and the Paris Commune Teach Us about Digital Technology
- Mads Nygaard Folkmann - The Aesthetics of Imagination in Design
- Marcos Keller - UX Basics For Beginners 2023: The Complete Guide To UX
- Matthew Fuller, Eyal Weizman - Investigative Aesthetics: Conflicts and Commons in the Politics of Truth
- Nvoid Art-Tech Limited - Introduction to TouchDesigner
- Patrick Lechner - Multimedia Programming Using Max/MSP and TouchDesigner
- Peter Lunenfeld - The Secret War Between Downloading and Uploading
- Peter Snowdon - The People Are Not an Image: Vernacular Video After the Arab Spring
- Phil Jones - Work Without The Worker: Labor in the Age of Platform Capitalism
- Richard Birkett - Donald Rodney: Autoicon
- Steven J. Gortler - Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics
- Steven Skaggs - FireSigns: A Semiotic Theory for Graphic Design
- Teresa Moses, Omari Souza - An Anthology of Blackness
- Tom Green, Joseph Labreque - A Guide to UX Design and Development
January 30th 2023 new entries
- Anthony Loewenstein - The Palestine Laboratory
- Ars Electronica - The Practice of Art and AI
- Benjamín Labatut - When We Cease to Understand The World
- Business of Fashion - “How Fashion Schools Are Tackling AI’s Blind Spots”
- Chris Meigh-Andrews - A History of Video Art
- Chris Roberts - The Editor’s Guide to DaVinci Resolve 18
- Cory Doctorow - The Internet Con
- David Marchese, The New York Times - “Your Data Is Diminishing Your Freedom”
- Domenico Quaranta - In Your Computer
- E-flux - Supercommunity
- Ed Finn - What Algorithms Want
- Eric Dimbach - Researching the Employer for Organizing & Bargaining Campaigns
- François Fortier - Virtuality check
- Frieze Art - “Can Machine Creativity Truly Exist?”
- Hal Foster - The Anti-Aesthetic
- Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Adam Michaels - The Electric Information Age Book
- Kodwo Eshun - More Brilliant than The Sun
- Lisa Fridsma, Brie Gyncild - Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book 2024
- Lizzie O’Shea - Future Histories
- Loes Bogers, Letizia Chiappini - (Un)learning Technology Reader
- Matteo Pasquinelli - The Eye of the Master: A Social History of Artificial Intelligence
- Nicolas Maigret, Maria Rozkowska - The Pirate Book
- Peter Krapp - Noise Channels
- Rosa Menkman - Glitch Studies Manifesto
- Sheri Byrne-Haber - Giving A Damn About Accessibility
- Stafford Beer - Designing Freedom
- Vilém Flusser - Fingers
- Whit Pow - A Trans Historiography of Glitches and Errors
- Yasha Levine - Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet
October 13th 2023 new entries
- Amba Kak & Sarah Myers West - AI Now 2023 Landscape: Confronting Tech Power
- Center for Constitutional Rights - If An Agent Knocks
- Chaka, Halcyon Mag, Gum Studio, Thought Hazard - Shadow Libraries Guidev
- David Beech - Art and Postcapitalism: Aesthetic Labour, Automation, and Value Production
- Digital Defense Fund - Protest Safety Tips to Guard Against Surveillance (2020)
- Domenico Quaranta - In Your Computer
- Eddie Opara & John Cantwell - Color Works: Best Practices for Graphic Designers
- Electronic Frontier Foundation - Digital Security Tips for Protestors (2016)
- Ethan Marcotte - You Deserve A Tech Union
- From Beirut With Love - From Beirut To Minneapolis: A protest guide in solidarity (2020)
- Gregory Sholette - Dark Matter: Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture
- Jennifer Chan - From Browser to Gallery (and Back): The Commodification of Net Art 1990-2011
- Jon Duckett - HTML & CSS: Design & Build Websites
- Kandrea Wade, Jed R. Brubaker, Casey Fiesler - Protest Privacy Recommendations: An Analysis of Digital Surveillance Circumvention Advice During Black Lives Matter Protests (2022)
- Marshall McLuhan - Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
- Martin R. Albrecht et al, Usenix Security Conference - Collective Information Security in Large-Scale Urban Protests: the Case of Hong Kong (2021)
- Martin Schwedener - The Photographic Universe: Vilém Flusser’s Theories of Photography, Media, and Digital Culture
- Matt Pearson: Generative Art: A Practical Guide Using Processing
- National Council of Educational Research and Training - Towards A New Age of Graphic Design
- Neil Leonard & Gavin Ambrose - Design Research: Investigation for successful creative solutions
- Rana Foroohar, Financial Times - Workers could be the ones to regulate AI
- Rebecca Strauss & Nils B. Weidmann - Protest and Digital adaptation
- Ruben Pater - Caps Lock
- Shumon Basar - The Extreme Self
- Studio BentStuff, Famitsu - Final Fantasy VII: The Complete Dismantled True Story Artbook
- Surveillance Technology Oversight Project - Protest Surveillance and Safety
- Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing - Art Post-internet: INFORMATION / DATA
- Various Artists - Capcom Design Works Artbook
- Various Authors, edited by e-flux journal: The Internet Does Not Exist
- Various Authors, edited by Heather Urbanski - Writing and the Digital Generation: Essays on New Media Rhetoric
- Yuk Hui - On the Existence of Digital Objects
April 17th 2023 new entries:
- Kōbō Abe - Instructions for Making a Box
- Emily Guez - How To Do Things With Things
- Audre Lorde - The Master’s Tools…
- Kató Lomb - Polyglot
- A Handbook for Artists Working In Community
- Building Consentful Tech Handbook
- "Generative Language Models and Automated Influence Operations: Emerging Threats and Potential Mitigations" (from January 2023, researchers from OpenAI, Georgetown University’s CSET, Stanford University’s Internet Observatory)
- From Xenakis’ UPIC to Graphic Notation Today
- The Interventionists Users’ Manual for the Creative Disruption of Everyday Life
- Alt Text As Poetry Workbook
- Designing With Smell textbook (really!)
- Everything Is Sculpture
- Woven and Interlocking Book Structures
- Making Books
- Getting Started With Processing
- Making Time for Creativity
- Some Tips on Drawing Type from A to Z
- AMARU - Chaos + Culture + Community
- Anthony Wilden - System and Structure
- Hiroki Azuma - Otaku: Japan’s Database Animals
- Ruha Benjamin - Captivating Technology
- Jay David Bolter, Richard Grusin - Remediation: Understanding New Media
- Fred Fonseca - Data Objects for Knowing
- Marisa Elena Duarte - Network Sovereignty: Building The Internet Across Indian Country
- Geert Lovink - Extinction Internet: Our Inconvenient Truth Moment
- Vilém Flusser - The Shape of Things: A Philosophy of Design (and excerpted, Why do Typewriters go ‘Click’?)
- Kaitlyn Tremblay - Collaborative Worldbuilding For Video-games
- Lev Manovich - Database as Symbolic Form
- Mike Healy - Marx and Digital Machines
- Dean Spade - Mutual Aid
- Paul Roquet - Ambient Media: Japanese Atmospheres of Self
- Paulo Freire - Pedagogy of the Oppressed
- Jonathan Sterne and Tara Rodgers - The Poetics of Signal Processing
- Austin Kleon - Steal Like An Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative
- Edward Shanken - Systems
- Juliane Rebentisch - Aesthetics of Installation Art
- Kenya Hará - Designing Design
- Aimi Hamraie - Building Access: Universal Design and the Politics of Disability
- Tiqqun - The Cybernetic Hypothesis
- Ursula Franklin - The Real World of Technology
- Christian Leborg - Visual Grammar
- Charles Harrison - Essays on Art and Language
- Kath Weston - Animate Planet
- Krzysztof Wodiczko - Crticial Vehicles
- Jaron Lanier - You Are Not A Gadget
- Bojana Kunst - Artist At Work: Proximity of Art and Capitalism
- Gabrielle Jennings - The Moving Image in Contemporary Art
- Trend reports for 2023/24 from: Adobe, Google, VaynerMedia, Coefficient Capital, Trendhunder, FashionSnoops.com
- Full run of Extropy - The Journal of Transhumanist Thought (17 issues, 1988-1997)
- Full run of Hack This Zine (13 issues, 2004-2011)
- Incomplete (issues 5 and 6) run of Reality Hackers (proto-Mondo 2000, 1988-1989)
- Excerpt from Heavy Metal (issue #5 1985), interview with William Gibson
- Plutonics - A Journal of Non-Standard Theory, Vol 15/March 2022
- Window Research Laboratory - Synthesized Identity Model
September 12th 2022 new entries:
- Joe Karaganis - Shadow Libraries: Access to Knowledge in Global Higher Education (2018)
- Glyphs 3 Handbook - October 2021
- Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D. - 100 Things Every Designer Needs To Know About People (2011)
- The Archive For Research in Archetypal Symbolism - A Journey Through Symbols
- Eileen MacAvery Kane - Ethics: A Graphic Designer’s Field Guide (2010)
- Max Bill -Function and Gestalt (1958)
- Boris Groys - The Obligation to Self-Design (e-flux Journal, 2008)
- Jacob Johanssen -Psychoanalysis and Digital Culture (2019)
- Rosa Menkman - The Glitch Moment(um) (2011)
- Mirko Schäfer, Karin van Es - The Datafied Society (2016)
- N. Katherine Hayles - My Mother Was A Computer (2005)
- Sadie Plant - Zeroes + Ones (1997)
- Precarious Workers Brigade - Training for Exploitation? Politicising Employability & Reclaiming Education
April 25th 2022 new entries:
- Brie Gyncild, Lisa Fridsma - Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book
- Joy Lisi Rankin - A People’s History of Computing In The United States
- Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry (CMU) - Art && Code: Homemade
- Alison Adam - Artificial Knowing: Gender and the Thinking Machine
- Charlton McIlwain - Black Software: The Internet and Racial Justice, from the AfroNet to Black Lives Matter
- Etienne Wenger - Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity
- Computers and Automation ’67: Computer Art Contest, August 1967
- Cybernetics, a New Science (New York Times 1948 column)
- Erik Davis - Techgnosis: Magic, Memory, And The Angels of Information
- Evolution of IBM Computers booklet
- Laura Poitras - Astro Noise: A Survival Guide For Living Under Total Surveillance
- Lauren Cornell, Ed Halter - Mass Effect: Art and The Internet In The Twenty-First Century
- MSX Software Catalogue 1991 (JP)
- Our Data Bodies - Digital Defense Playbook: Community Power Tools for Reclaiming Data
- Devin Halladay - Public Domain: Design in the 21st Century
- Warren Sack - The Software Arts
- An Introduction to The Community Memory Project
- Stewart Brand - Whole Earth Software Catalog
- Your Computer Magazine, Nov 1981
- Michael Green - Zen & The Art of the Macintosh
- Radical Software, issues: Vol 1 #3 & #5, Vol 2 #1, #4 & #5
- Processed World, issues: 1, 3, 7, 8, 23, 24, 25, 28
- Computer Magazine issues from 1986 to 1992
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